Another achivement for Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences: Ranking 138 in Asia in the most prestigious ranking system of universities in the world
According to the Asian Ranking Report of the International Rating Institute (THE Higher Education-Asian Region), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences was ranked 138th among the top universities in Asia. It should be noted that Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences has experienced a significant growth compared to 2019 with the promotion of 87 steps.
Times Ranking is one of the most popular international ranking systems that annually ranks and evaluates the world's top universities based on 13 performance indicators in the form of 5 general criteria of education, research, citations, industrial income and international reputation for comprehensive and balanced comparisons. Sources of information in this ranking system include information from surveys, information provided by universities on a self-explanatory basis, as well as research information from universities at the Scopus citation database.
This success is the result of the efforts of all the esteemed board of directors, professors, staff and our dear students and it is acknowledged that this is the result of the university's efforts and diligent efforts of all colleagues of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs and the support of the University Chancellor in collecting, monitoring and recording information.